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Duke of Edinburgh Award

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, first considered the idea of a national programme to support young people’s development in the autumn of 1954. His Royal Highness wanted to bridge the gap between leaving formal education at 15 and entering into National Service at 18.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was launched in February 1956. The programme had four sections;

  • Rescue and Public Service,

  • Expeditions,

  • Pursuits and Projects,

  • and fitness

The DofE continued to grow over subsequent decades and in 1980 the age limit was extended so that any young person aged 14 to 24 could participate.


The current format of programs took on their four-section structure.

  • Volunteering,

  • Physical,

  • Skills and Expedition,

  • with an additional residential section at the Gold level.


In 2023, Prince Edward became the Duke of Edinburgh, taking on the patronage held by his father, Prince Philip.

Duke of Ed Logo

Working with DofE

At NeurodiversityUK, we are proud to partner with the Duke of Edinburgh Award for both the Volunteering and Physical awards.


Volunteering in the shop helps young people gain skills for the working world and earn Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards. Contact us to find out how to get involved

Through our partnership with Comber Boxing Club, young people gain intrapersonal skills such as confidence, emotional regulation and behaviour management, as well as learning a new sport, having fun and gaining physical fitness to earn their Bronze, Silver or Gold awards.

Registered Charity NIC100167

Registered office:
57 -59 Castle Street,
Comber BT23 5DY

Call us: 028 9189 7677


Website created by Helen McBriar & Edward W. Jackson.

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